Branding a company that needs to be seen from a competitive edge and be ingrained with customers is paramount. Capitalize Ltd is a financial investment platform built around trust, growth, and collaboration, so this was the approach to take with the branding concept at every level. Many components unite each other to better relay the company’s mission and ethos, from the way the logo has been created to the way font and colours have been defined.
This blog provides you with insights into the branding strategy of Capitalize Ltd, giving you a look at how their visual identity reflects stability and innovation whilst catering to both seasoned investors and modern businesses. By dissecting the market research, logo, typeface, and colour scheme, we reveal the clever choices that ensure this brand is not just different but practical and everlasting.
If you are a designer looking for inspiration or a business owner whom you are seeking to perfect your brand, Capitalize Ltd’s branding journey is sure to offer you valuable insights into creating integrated identity that speaks to as broad an audience as possible.